
Membership in the SSPC is achieved through individual application, in writing, to our secretariat. Application is open to professionals in our field, both in Switzerland and abroad.

All applications for membership of the SSPC must be addressed, in writing, to the president of the Society, together with the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Diploma in medicine
  • Diploma in paediatrics
  • Diploma in paediatric cardiology, if already obtained
  • Swiss recognition documents for foreign diplomas, if required
  • Letter of recommendation from two ordinary members of the Swiss Society of Pediatric Cardiology

Address for sending the membership application and for any questions:




The annual SSPC membership fee is to be paid to the Society's bank account (IBAN CH09 0025 4254 6118 9740 N).

  • Ordinary members: CHF 100.-
  • Extraordinary members: CHF 50.-


The Swiss Society of Pediatric Cardiology currently has 93 members:

Ordinary members: 49
Extraordinary members: 9
Corresponding members: 9
Junior members: 12
Senior members: 17